Research Sites

Upcoming Events

FESPB Plant Biology Congress 2014 in Dublin

22 - 26 June, 2014


M.Sc. Program in Plant Biology at UCD


Opportunities now exist for annual membership of the Irish Plant Scientists' Association (IPSA). There are two categories of membership, institutional membership (400 Euro per year) and individual (associate) membership (20 Euro per year; 10 Euro per year for students). For further information and payment details contact:

Prof. Bruce Osborne
UCD School of Biology and Environmental Science and UCD Earth Institute, UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4.
Email: Bruce.Osborne [at]
Tel: 017162249

About Plant Research Ireland

Across Ireland there are a wide range of research groups undertaking both fundamental and applied research into plants and crops. Plant Research Ireland has been established to promote activities and disseminate information regarding plant research and training activities in Ireland. Plant Research Ireland serves as a platform to network Irish plant researchers and to facilitate communication between groups and institutions regarding activities such as seminar series, visiting speakers, joint grant applications, collaborative projects etc.

We invite you to read about the exciting plant research underway across Ireland, have a look at upcoming talks and seminars in this area, and get an idea of the wealth of diverse plant research activities underway in Ireland and internationally.

Why Plant Research?

Plants and plant derived products are essential to human life on earth. Plants supply us with food, energy, health and medicines. Plants also supply industry with raw materials and are a vital component of our natural environment that are essential for provision of ecosystem services. The domestication of plants some 10,000 years ago was a key starting point of modern civilisation. However, we continue to be as heavily dependent on plants as ever. The vision of a sustainable bio-based future includes increased exploitation of our natural plant resources as a source of energy, oils, fibres and pharmaceuticals.